The risks related to climate change – specifically physical and transition risks – are garnering growing attention. But what is still unfortunately lacking is a quantification of the costs that humanity will pay in case of delays in implementing mitigating measures to reach net zero targets in 2050. The topic is of paramount importance not only for the economy but also for individuals, as living conditions on our planet are becoming increasingly inhospitable.
The European Central Bank has recently estimated that 75% of Eurozone banks are exposed to direct effects of climate change, with palpable differences among European countries. Specifically, the Mediterranean basin, in particular Italy and Spain, are more subject to risks of floods and storms, rising sea levels, water stress, extreme heatwaves and wildfires.
Against this backdrop, agriculture is called to play a fundamental role in the next few decades.
A severe reduction of arable land and water scarcity require the implementation of processes, techniques and innovations that can increase productivity and make better use of scarce resources. Given the features of this sector and its importance in the coming decades, investors and asset managers in infrastructure have started looking at agriculture as an interesting investment theme.
The event, which presents the results of year four of the five-year research plan carried out under the Antin IP Associate Professorship in Infrastructure Finance, focuses on agriculture as an infrastructure asset class.
A panel discussion will follow the presentation of our research results, pointing out how agriculture can evolve as an asset class in the face of the world’s food challenges.
FileIntroductory Speech Gatti.pdf (289.86 KB)
Fileslides_intro_speech_gatti_22_September_2022.pdf (235.17 KB)
FileLO ZOPPO-Antin_Evento 22.09.2022 V3.pdf (638.75 KB)
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