- APE (Pensions)
- ASSET (Asset and Risk Management)
- BAFIR (Banking, Finance and Regulation)
CLEAN (Crime and Economics)
- EDUFIN (Financial Education)
- Global-ID (Trade and Finance)
- INSURET (Observatory on the Insurance Market)
- MINTS (Alternative monies)
- MONETA (Central Banking, Sustainable Finance)
MTCAP (Macroeconomic Trends, Cycles, and Asset Prices)
- PERICLES (Institutions and Reforms)
RULES (Law and Economics)
- SIL (Sovereign Funds)
- SFIB (Investment Banking)
APE - Analysis in Pension Economics
Unit Director: Vincenzo Galasso
APE is a research unit that analyzes pension and retirement issues. Pension systems typically represent the largest program in the welfare state. Their characteristics, shaped by the initial design and the subsequent reforms, have strong effects on crucial economic and social individual decisions, such as savings, fertility, labor supply and retirement. But they also influence future public policy decisions, due to the strong persistence of these programs.
APE aims at bridging the gap between scholars and policy-makers by analyzing pension and retirement issues with both a normative and a positive approach. Particular relevance is given to relevant current issues, such as population aging, retirement policy and pension reforms.
APE is part of the Cintia Network