Immagine Finafrica

FINAFRICA - The Finance in Africa

Unit Director: Nicola Limodio

The FINAFRICA Unit at the BAFFI Research Center of Bocconi University is a specialized research facility dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the fields of Financial Economics and Development Economics with a focus on African countries, and in general on low and middle-income economies. The unit operates within the broader context of the BAFFI center and aligns its activities with its overarching goals.

The mission of the FINAFRICA Unit is to conduct cutting-edge research to address the following two questions: What specific frictions and constraints hinder the development of financial markets in low and middle-income countries? Can policy affect these and how? The nature of this unit is to contribute to the academic discourse and provide valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, students, and the academic community.
Proposed Activities
The FINAFRICA Unit at Bocconi University will focus on research, capacity building, and policy dialogue to enhance Africa's financial infrastructure. Leveraging Bocconi's academic excellence, the unit aims to address African finance challenges, promote regulatory improvements, and foster inclusive financial institutions. Key activities include:
Research Projects: The unit conducts research on Finance and Development Economics, employing empirical analyses, theoretical models, and innovative methodologies. It publishes findings in top journals to influence academic and policy discussions.
Conferences and Workshops: FINAFRICA organizes global conferences and seminars, including the WEFIDEV webinar on Finance and Development, which involves international collaboration with scholars focusing on finance and development.