Global-ID - Globalization and Industry Dynamics
Unit Directors: Carlo Altomonte & Gianmarco Ottaviano
We live in a globalized world. Capital, goods and service markets are increasingly integrated across countries. Most production processes involve steps in multiple countries along the supply chain. In turn, global value chains connect firms in multinational business groups and trade networks, with hubs spanning the major global cities.
We study how different aspects of globalization affect the dynamics of industries over time, along several dimensions. We investigate the challenges emerging for policy makers. We develop policy recommendations on how to best accommodate globalization processes and their consequences on firms and workers, with the ensuing implications for welfare systems.
Our areas of research encompass: the design of global value chains and their implications for economic growth and competitiveness; trade, labor markets, social and health issues; trade and innovation; globalization and agglomeration of economic activities; migration issues.