Piazza Sraffa 13
PRIN DeMa Final Conference
Funded by "Project PRIN 2020 Decision-Making in the Age of Emergencies. New Paradigms in Recognition and Protection of Rights [DeMa] - CUP J53C22000650001, prot. N. 2020M47T9C"
L’iniziativa è parte del progetto DigCon (Digital Constitutionalism: Rights, Remedies and Policy in the Algorithmic Society), promosso dal centro di ricerca BAFFI dell’Università Bocconi e finanziato dal Fondo Italiano per la Scienza (FIS21) - CUP J53C23002620001, FIS00003134
BAFFI con il patrocinio di ACN - Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale
Piazza Sraffa 13
This event, financed by the European Commission (Project FIBRE n. 101063844), will bring together scholars from top Universities, Central Banks, and international institutions.
Annual event of the five-year partnership
Claudia Buch
Chair, Single Supervisory Mechanism, ECB
The Pericles work in progress workshop aims to display and discuss seven new projects where feedback is maximally needed, that’s why large participation is desirable and presentations are short in order to give max room to discussion.
In distance only.
Please find here the ZOOM link, ID meeting: 991 0166 9443
Auditorium Grande
Via Sarfatti 10
Via Sarfatti 25