Peace Talks - Research and Policy
PERICLES (Political Economics of Reforms, Institutional Complexity, and Legislative Evaluation Sudies) is pleased to announce the Peace Talks Webinar Series, in collaboration with the University of Lausanne and the University of Zurich. The webinar series is aimed at enriching research with the knowledge of field experts, and discussing and shaping policy recommendations directly with decision-makers.
The webinars will take place once per month starting from April 2021:
April 2021: Democratization in Myanmar
Researcher: Patrick François (University of British Columbia)
Discussant: Björn Gehrmann (German Federal Foreign Office)
May 2021: Reconciliation after Conflict
Researcher: Oeindrila Dube (University of Chicago)
Discussant: Pierre Hazan (Humanitarian Dialogue)
June 2021: Social Media and Hate Crimes
Researcher: Carlo Rasmus Schwarz (Bocconi University)
Discussant: Adam Cooper (Humanitarian Dialogue)
July 2021: Epidemics and conflicts
Researcher: Elena Esposito (University of Lausanne)
Discussant: TBA
August 2021: The relevance of fragility measures
Researcher: Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC)
Discussant: TBA
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