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Peace Talks - Democratization in Myanmar
The first Peace Talks webinar, "Democratization in Myanmar", will take place on Friday 16th April 2021 at 04:00PM (CET). The speakers will be Patrick François (UBC) and Björn Gehrmann (German Federal Foreign Office).
Peace Talks - Research and Policy
The Peace Talks Webinar Series is aimed at enriching research with the knowledge of field experts, and discussing and shaping policy recommendations directly with decision-makers. The webinars will take place once per month starting from April 2021.
CEPR Conference: The Politics of Regulation and Central Banking

First edition of the annual conference series on the Political Economy of Finance, dedicated to exploring the intersections between political economy and central banking. Jointly organized by Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tilburg University, and the University of Amsterdam and supported by CEPR.

Central Bank Digital Currencies: Remuneration, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy

MINTS (Monetary Innovation, New Technologies and Society) organised their first webinar "Central Bank Digital Currencies: Remuneration, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy" on the 28th January, 2021.

Bocconi University - Room N01, Piazza Sraffa 13
The Future of Money: Presentation of the Observatory on Monetary Innovation, New Technologies and Society – MINTS

MINTS (Monetary Innovation, New Technologies and Society) organised their first conference on "The Future of Money" on the 18th December, 2019; this has been the launch event of the Observatory.

Università Bocconi Aula AS03 via Röntgen 1, Milano
Rischio Longevità